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Occupying Aging

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Article number: BK-OCCA-CS

Peeking into another's life is part of what drives us to read. Occupying Aging gives us that and so much more. Warm, wise, and conversational, these 366 journal-like entries fly off the page and into your heart.
You'll travel with Katherine Schneider through ordinary and extraordinary components that make up an inner and outer life. You'll find wisdom and humor, frustration and joy, and learn up close and personal what one baby boomer's life, a baby boomer who happens to be blind, feels like when you're the one in it.
She is prayerful and irreverent, smart and funny, and makes lists of things from books to platitudes to text shortcuts for seniors, which will make you reflect deeply at times and laugh out loud at others.
What does a retired psychologist with a Seeing Eye dog do with her days? She helps others every way she can - feeding pets, mentoring children, entertaining friends, contributing in her church, marching on in that uphill struggle to help the world understand that people with disabilities are first and foremost, just people.
And she spends a lot of time reading, thinking and, ultimately, writing this book. Lucky for us that she did!
Deborah Kendrick, award-winning columnist and author. Disability rights advocate, and senior features editor for AccessWorld.